北美顶级区块链峰会——旧金山区块链周将于10月28至11月3日举行,本次峰会参会人数超过3000人,发言者超过250人,嘉宾包括以太坊创始人 Vitalik Buterin,Facebook Libra 项目的联合发起人 Kevin Weil,Ripple 联合创始人 Chris Larsen 等。
The Blockchain Career Fair at UC Berkeley connects the brightest minds with frontier blockchain companies to bridge companies and developer communities in the United States. We connect leading engineers and problem-solvers to companies to bring new solutions to old problems. With a diverse talent pool from Bay Area universities, we provide companies an opportunity to source premier talent. We simplify recruitment by using an AI-powered matching engine to match qualified applicants and companies.
This event is open to students and anyone from entry level to experienced professionals.
Claim a Free Ticket.
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