2021.12.17 Pi币核心团队公告:公布更多主网测试信息

Pi Network 核心团队今天发布了白皮书的新路线图章节,并介绍了有关主网阶段的更多详细信息。

PiCoreTeam Dec 17th – 1:36am We are releasing a new Roadmap chapter of the whitepaper today and introducing more details about the Mainnet phase. In the next few days, the Mainnet will be released and become live, which will initiate an intermediate Enclosed Network period of the Mainnet. Tap “Roadmap” to read more in detail. We’re also releasing the “Mainnet Checklist” for you to view the steps you need to prepare for your transfer to the Mainnet.

Pi 核心团队 12 月 17 日 – 凌晨 1:36 我们今天发布了白皮书的新路线图章节,并介绍了有关主网阶段的更多详细信息。 未来几天,主网将发布上线,这将开启主网的中间封闭网络期。 点击“路线图”以阅读更多详细信息。 我们还发布了“主网清单”,供您查看转移到主网所需的准备步骤。

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